301-926-2256 [email protected]

18 December 2018 | Approved: 15 January 2019

Members Present: Bob Booher, Wendy Harris, Gail Littlefield, Robyn Renas, David Stopak, Mimi Styles
Attendees: none
Members Absent: Darrell Anderson – TC Liaison

Approval of Agenda:

The agenda was reviewed and modified to: place “Expansion of NR progress” by Wendy to first Old Business item; delete “Guidelines” item; add update on installation of generator to McCathran Hall. Modified agenda approved

Adoption of Minutes:

Meeting Minutes dated November 20, 2018 were reviewed and approved
Robyn to forward Adopted Meeting Minutes to Town Office

Review Session:

No Permit applications

Old Business:

Updating and Expanding the 1980 National Register of Historic Places Historic District Nomination progress report by Wendy

  • Clare Kelly consulting contributions reviewed
  • Viewshed Documentation which is part of Phase II submittal was reviewed by HPC in November
  • Meeting with Robinson & Associates December 5, 2018 (Wendy and Bob represented HPC). Robinson said they would incorporate suggestions from Clare Kelly and that these edits would not impact their schedule. Another meeting may be scheduled to review Phase II issues, viewshed and district boundaries which are still being researched.
  • Phase II documents include Viewshed Document (already reviewed by HPC) and Nomination draft. Nomination document draft expected by March 1, 2019. HPC agreed to eight week review process timeline. HPC hopes to receive spreadsheet document prepared by Robinson & Associates that includes comments and responses prior to March 1st. The Nomination draft will reflect many of Clare’s recommendations including architectural descriptions of representative structures.
  • HPC plans to input sections of National Register language into Washington Grove Masterplan document
  • Gail volunteered to write possible Addendum to Phase I which would highlight the following items that are not included in Phase I document: History of sewer system development along Grove; Street signs; Commercial corner.

Master Plan 2019 report by Bob

  • Work session devoted to commercial corner planned for January 16, 2019
  • Introduction, First and Second sections of the Draft Master Plan 2019 reviewed by HPC. Edits agreed to will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for inclusion in the January work session
  • Land Use and Zoning – Section 1.2 Commercial Zone introduction and summary by HPC will be written by Robyn/Bob.
  • Municipal Growth and Boundary Enhancements
  • Robyn to write draft Vision for Commercial Corner for committee review by email prior to the work session. The HPC should identify development goals for the commercial corner and ways to guide boundary enhancement along Brown and Hickory. If the existing commercial corner property is sold in the future it would present an opportunity to influence redevelopment that would align with the Master Plan 2019
  • HPC members to write comments on the district boundaries (Commercial corner, Railroad, Meadow and Humpback Bridge)

Zoning Text Amendment Ordinances 2018-04 and 2018-05 report by Bob

  • Bob to follow up with TC

Bulletin Material report by Mimi

  • Mimi plans to include update on street sign restoration project. 40 signs still require restoration. Susan Van Nostrand was presented HPC award in 2018 for this project.

Planning Commission Report by Bob

  • PC review highlights: Culvert work completed at Lake entry; Woods committee meeting is posted on website; Generator is installed at McCathran Hall (generator shielding fence design drawings have not been issued to HPC); Railroad Street and pedestrian crossing (County declines to install speed-bump or light at crossing noting insufficient traffic count); Masterplan; Montgomery Municipal Cable will video public interest meetings/events for public airing.

Town Council Report by Darrell

  • TC introduced Ordinance 2018-11 as edited by HPC
  • 2018 Town financial audit approved
  • Pepco representative discussed possible lamping options for the Town to consider for the street lights (current lamping is incandescent). Meeting with the Town Lighting committee planned for January

New Business:


Adjournment at 10:10pm

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