301-926-2256 [email protected]

21 July 2020 (via Zoom 2 August) | Approved: 18 August 2020

Members Present: Bob Booher, Gail Littlefield, Mimi Styles, Wendy Harris, David Stopak, Darrell Anderson
Kirk Greenway regretfully resigned as Alternate due to work needs related to the pandemic. The Commission has appreciated his contributions, and now endorsed recommending Marilynn Frey as replacement. Bob Booher took minutes.

Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes

The proposed agenda was revised by deleting topics 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.8 and was adopted unanimously. Draft minutes from the June meeting were modified and approved. Kirk has yet to submit the May minutes.

Project Review

Mimi will review the proposed revisions to the 107 Pine Avenue patio covering reviewed at the previous meeting to verify the design intent remains as reviewed. (Note: Mimi subsequently provided an addendum commenting on the revisions)

Old Business:

3.1 Historic landscape resources:
Progress regarding revisions to the Public Ways Permit process was presented by Gail. The WSSC sewer renovation permit approved last fall was used to highlight some of the issues that will need to be incorporated into the modifications. The tree canopy is a significant character-defining feature of the Grove and the HPC will support the Forestry and Beautification Committee which is charged with negotiating with the WSSC to protect the potentially impacted trees. A list of other character-defining features will be drafted by using the NR Nomination material, and also a list of potential work activities that may impact those features. These will be used to determine what the HPC can offer in their reviews of Public Ways Permits. Note the WSSC may have funding that would kick-in a Section 106 requirement.
Actions that do not require Public Ways Permits but may impact these resources will be identified later, as well as the development of guidelines the HPC can provide to protect their integrity.
3.2 National Register Status:
Wendy indicated that MHT has yet to forward the Nomination to the National Park Service, but was assured it would happen shortly. Bob agreed to nudge him.
Mimi provided costs for printing of the documents and was given the go-ahead.
3.3 Masterplan update:
Bob summarized the meeting the PC group set up with a shopping center developer to discuss the future uses of the commercial corner. The meeting was not conclusive regarding whether some kind of food service was beneficial.
Two other groups are will have common issues with the HPC: the Border Committee and the Sustainability masterplan section group. Bob and David are members of both.
In her review of the completed masterplan sections, Gail has gotten thru Section 5.
3.4 Bikeways: No issues discussed
3.5 Joint meeting with PC : No issues discussed
3.6 Guidelines; No issues discussed
3.7 Bulletin Material:
Mimi will provide a 3 part history of the Auditorium over several months
3.8 Archive Collection Care: No issues discussed
3.9 5G antennas and streetlights:
Gail has contacted MHT and Montgomery County regarding controls over 5G deployment. Wendy has also provided links to efforts by Madison WI and Washington DC. This will likely impact the tree canopy as well as have a visual impact on the Public Ways. Mayor Compton has requested the HPC provide guidance. Bob will try to get up to speed on the issue.

PC Meeting Report

A vision for the Commercial Corner that includes integrating it better into the Grove, reinforcing the historic character and enhancing the sense of place was discussed for the master plan section.

Town Council Report

A group has been formed that may examine the Town’s racial history and could benefit from the HPC’s knowledge.

New Business:

A tree was found with concrete resembling coursed stone. Steve Wertz has requested the HPC provide guidance as to whether it can be further demolished. The opinion of the HPC is that is not historically significant. Bob will provide guidance to the Town.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 18 at 7:30pm via Zoom.

Robert Booher

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