301-926-2256 [email protected]

Members Present: Bob Booher, Wendy Harris, Gail Littlefield, David Stopak and Mimi Styles. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Approval of Agenda:

The agenda was reviewed and approved, as amended.

Adoption of Minutes:

The minutes from the meeting of October 16, 2017 were not available.


There were no reviews.

Updating and Expanding the National Register Historic District Designation:

Wendy submitted a written progress report detailing work on the RFP to date. The most important points were that the RFP was emailed to five prospective bidders on Friday, November 3 and that the bidders were to deliver their proposals on Monday December 11 in order that the bids could be opened at the Town Council meeting to be held that evening. There was discussion of criteria to be used for evaluating the proposals and it was decided that Gail and Wendy would do an initial assessment, using score sheets if necessary. They will present the results of their analysis at the next HPC meeting. The HPC will then make a recommendation to the Town Council

15 The Circle Easement

HPC approved Exhibit C of the Deed of Easement for 15 the Circle. The version before the HPC, edited by David and Wendy, reflected the charge from the previous meeting to focus more exclusively on the area of easement and the front porch. The front porch is described in greatest detail, while the front façade and side porch are described in continuity with the porch as a whole. The rest of the house is discussed in terms of compatibility to its neighborhood and historic context. Additional small details remained to be resolved, such as the dimensions, photos to be included, their order, and etc. The HPC approved the revisions needed ahead of time, leaving it to Bob and David to work out the details in case the document would be required at the next Town Council meeting. In approving Exhibit C for 15 the Circle, the concerns expressed by the O’Connor’s were taken into account in the hopes that it could be a model for a revision of the document prepared for 409 4th St. To ensure owner buy-in with the document, Bob Booher suggested that Taunton Paine be sent Exhibit C for 15 the Circle before it is approved by the Town Council.

Street Signs:

Gail summarized the TC’s action from November 13 to approve the volunteer effort to rehab and maintain our wood street signs, with reflective letters. She had circulated a draft letter from HPC to mayor and council setting out HPC’s offer to take a stewardship role in sustaining the volunteer effort in the future. The letter to mayor and council will include the draft process for volunteer cleaning, prepping, painting, and mounting for rehabbed signs.

HPC also approved Gail’s writing to Bryan Blundell to thank him for his past consultations and asking him to send us an invoice for his past professional services.

Design Guidelines Working Group:

There was nothing to report. The group is hoping to resume their meetings after the winter holidays.

Bulletin Material:

There was nothing to report.

Planning Commission Report:

No report.

Town Council Report:

John Compton submitted a written report. Items covered included the following: passage of a new zoning ordinance re. classification of areas adjacent to Town boundaries; the bike/walking path; herbicide spraying; restored wooden street signs; restoration of the Ridge Road speed bump and the purchase of portable speed bumps for other locations.

Archives Report:

Town archivist Pat Patula submitted her monthly report.

No New Business

Minutes prepared and submitted by: Wendy E. Harris

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