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3 July 2018 | Approved: 1 August 2018

Peter Nagrod called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Charlie Challstrom, Georgette Cole, Dave Hix, and Deb Mehlferber.

Approval of Agenda:

Dave Hix moved to approve the agenda. Deb Mehlferber seconded the motion. The Commission added Sale of Surplus Property as item 7A and Code Enforcement Officer vs. Building Inspector to New Business. Approved: 5-0.

Public Appearances:

Barbara and Bob Christin came to discuss their building permit application for a fence at 417 Center Street. Deb Mehlferber explained the placement and height of the proposed fence. Deb Mehlferber moved to approve the proposed fence at 417 Center Street. Charlie Challstrom seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.

Approval of the Minutes:

Dave Hix moved to approve the June minutes. Georgette Cole seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0, as amended.

Building Permit Application:

417 Center Street – see item #2.

105 Grove Avenue – Update – Deb Mehlferber explained the proposed fencing style has changed and the old fence is being completely removed. A boundary survey must be obtained now. The original permit application will be withdrawn and a new one submitted upon the completion of the survey.

Annual Election of the Chair:

Georgette Cole moved to nominate Peter Nagrod to serve as Chair of the Planning Commission for another year. Charlie Challstrom seconded the motion.
Approval: 5-0.

Report from Town Council:

Charlie Challstrom reported on the following:

  • A proposed resolution for the rules and regulations at the Dog Park was deferred to the July meeting of the Town Council.
  • Ordinance 2018-02 (Sale of Town land) is effective on July 11. The price for the land will be $1.00 per square foot and is limited to the nine (9) homes listed in the ordinance.

Railroad Street Safety Request for Crossing and new Light – Update:

Charlie Challstrom reported a request to Montgomery County Dept. of Transportation for a new street light (compatible with the Town) and work on the crosswalk was made via e-mail.
There was a discussion about the following:

  • Safety at the crossing (too dark now)
  • Proposed hump vs. speed table
  • Mayor must make the request for a speed table
  • Stopping for pedestrians in the crosswalk
  • Placement of yellow paddles in the road for pedestrian safety
  • Speed cameras and the State law
  • Request for a study by MoCo

Sale of Town Property – General Ordinance/Draft:

Charlie Challstrom distributed a draft of a general ordinance authorizing the sale of Town property. This will provide a process for the next steps. The Commission discussed the actions and recommendations presented in the new draft. Peter Nagrod moved to endorse the draft general ordinance dated July 3, 2018 and forward to the Town Council and the Historic Preservation Commission. Dave Hix seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.

Ordinance 2018-04 (Zoning Text Amendment) – PC input for July 9th public hearing:

After reviewing documents presented by Charlie Challstrom and a lengthy discussion about repair and replace language along with the definition of main building line, the Commission decided it would be prudent to ask the Mayor and Town Council to allow the record to stay open for another 30 days in order to have additional time to work on these issues.

Ordinance 2018-05 (Building Permit Regulations) – PC input for July 9th public hearing:

After reviewing documents presented by Charlie Challstrom and a lengthy discussion, the Commission decided it would be prudent to ask the Mayor and Town Council to allow the record to stay open for another 30 days in order to have additional time to clarify building permit requirements.

Master Plan – Update:

Georgette Cole’s “Call for Recruitment” was published in the July Town Bulletin. A Grove Update will also be sent to residents. Dave Hix will work on street lights. It was decided to put “Master Plan Update – Topical Focus” on each monthly agenda in order to keep it in the foreground.

Washington Grove House Records – Status Report:

Georgette Cole reported 219 properties have been completed. Only six (6) homes to go to complete the 225 existing homes in Town. There is still database work to be done.

Other Business:

Public Ways & Property Permit – The Commission approved a PW & PP for PEPCO to put wires underground at 400 Center Street.

Building Inspector or Code Enforcement Officer – The Commission discussed the need for different types of enforcement in Town. They endorsed finding a Code Enforcement Officer who also has Building Inspector talents. Charlie Challstrom moved to support going forward with a Code Enforcement Services packet as presented at the PC meeting. Georgette Cole seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM.

Kathryn L. Lehman, Town Clerk

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