301-926-2256 [email protected]

Town Council News

Next meeting: Monday, December 13, 2021, 7:30 pm
The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting via ZOOM at bit.ly/WGCouncilMeeting
Meeting ID: 297 850 640
Password: 074385
Or dial-in to 301-715-8592

Actions at the November meeting included:

  • Scheduled Special Town Meeting by Zoom teleconference for Dec. 4, 2021 at 10:00 am.
    ➤ Purpose: The purpose of this Special Town Meeting is for the Shared Us Pathway Connection Task Force to present its findings to the Town, as specified in the Town Council response on June 30, 2021, to the Shared Use Bike Path Petition. The Town Council and Mayor also established the Shared Use Pathway Connection Task Force which was tasked to deliver a report detailing specific and relevant factors that should be considered in choosing among the options for a new shared use pathway connection to Washington Grove.
    ➤ Residents with an interest in a shared-use pathway connection to the Town are urged to attend this Town Meeting. Participants will want to have read and considered the Task Force Report in advance.
    DETAILED INFORMATION about the meeting – including voting – is found here.
    ➤ Also attached are the following documents:

  • Town Maintenance Supervisor Needed!!
    → Anyone know someone who may be interested?
    → Are you interested in changing gears and taking on an important and challenging job, mostly outdoors, and filled with varied activities and responsibilities?
    Please contact Town Clerk Kathy Lehman or Mayor John Compton for more particulars and with potential persons.

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News from Grove Commissions

Historic Preservation Commission News

Next meeting: Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 7:30 pm.
The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting via ZOOM. For a copy of the Agenda, email Chairman Bob Booher ([email protected]).

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 344 019 9688

The Importance of Viewsheds to the Historic District

Robinson & Associates, Inc.’s research for Washington Grove’s 2020 Updated and Expanded Historic District Nomination to the National Register included the preparation of Viewshed Documentation (PDF) that identified and recorded historic properties and landscapes that comprise the broader setting of the Washington Grove Historic District and contribute to its visual character and historic context.

The National Register of Historic Places defines “setting” as the physical environment of a historic property that illustrates the character of the place. Setting often reflects the basic physical conditions under which a resource was built or developed and the functions it was intended to serve. The physical features that constitute the setting of a historic resource can be either natural or manmade, including such elements as topographic features, vegetation, buildings, structures, or open space.

The integrity of a historic district’s setting can be retained if there are visual buffers that block or screen intrusions into viewsheds, such as modern or incompatible development.

Six viewsheds were included in Robinson’s analysis:

  • the Washington Grove Meadow Conservation Park [see below],
  • the Piedmont Crossing Local Park [see below],
  • the Metropolitan Branch of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad,
  • the Humpback Bridge,
  • the Railroad Street Corridor, and
  • Oakmont Avenue.

Baseline conditions for each viewshed were documented to help protect the historic district and preserve its broader setting.  Robinson’s Viewshed Documentation includes photographs of each property/landscape that comprise the historic setting of the historic district; a map detail showing each of the viewshed areas and the sightlines between the photographer and the subject of the photographs, and a short narrative describing the property/landscape and the significance of its relationship to the historic district.  (Note:  Robinson’s Viewshed Documentation analysis focuses on Washington Grove’s “borders” and does not address the internal setting of the historic district, which is also crucial to its historic integrity.)

Included below are Robinson’s narratives for the historic district’s two parkland viewsheds.  (You can view the entirety of the Viewshed Documentation, including photos and graphics, here (PDF)).

Description of Property/Landscape: The 12-acre Washington Grove Meadow Conservation Park is located east of Ridge Road. While the town owns the land, the park is wholly maintained and operated by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC). The park features a native meadow habitat with forested edges and natural surface trails. Built structures are limited to park signage and an informational kiosk. Along the western edge of the park are remnants of agricultural fencing consisting of wood posts and barbed wire. Documentation of a steatite quarry in the adjacent Piedmont Crossing Local Park suggests the potential for archaeological resources within the park. The park’s open spaces, small-scale features, and views reinforce interpretation of the historic district within the context of Montgomery County’s agricultural heritage. For these reasons, in 2002, the M-NCPPC designated the meadow a Heritage Resource (rather than a Natural Resource) within its Legacy Open Space Functional Master Plan.

Significance of Relationship to Historic District: The original boundaries of Washington Grove once included a 48-acre farm on the east side of Ridge Road. This farm, which encompassed the land now part of the Washington Grove Meadow Conservation Park, was sold in 1890 to Andrew Ragan to help pay off association debt. For decades, this parcel and other agricultural resources on the fringes of Washington Grove defined its rural character and reinforced the idea of the Grove as a “place apart.” The farm contributed to Montgomery County’s strong agricultural heritage, which influenced the region’s settlement and land use patterns well into the twentieth century. Today, the park provides a critical buffer between the town and surrounding high-density residential and highway development and preserves the rural, open vistas and spatial organization of the agricultural fields that historically formed the setting of Washington Grove.

Description of Property/Landscape: The Piedmont Crossing Local Park is a Montgomery County property that extends from the eastern edge of the Washington Grove Meadow Conservation Park to Interstate 370. Formerly farmland, the stream valley parkland features a meadow habitat with forested edges. A trail through the park provides a local connection between the Shady Grove Metrorail Station and Amity Drive, a residential street in the neighborhood north of the park. (A second trail connecting to Brown Street in Washington Grove is currently cut off by stormwater detention construction.)   A break in the tree line along the west edge of the park provides an entry point to the Washington Grove Meadow Conservation Park.

Significance of Relationship to Historic District: The park’s meadow habitat and forested edges reinforce the historic rural setting of the historic district, and the tree-lined edge along the western perimeter of the park blocks noise and screens views of nearby highway and residential development. The Piedmont Crossing Local Park contains an archaeological site listed on the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties (Site # 18MO6221, Washington Grove Steatite Quarry). The site, located within the forest buffer along the western edge of the park, is comprised of five distinct areas of archaeological interest that represent evidence of Euro-American and possibly Native American use of the area as a quarrying site. The quarry may have been used as a source of building materials for local farmers and early residents of Washington Grove.

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Planning Commission News

Next meeting: Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting via ZOOM. As part of the Town’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, this Planning Commission Meeting will be conducted online, rather than in person.

Residents and the public can joining the Zoom videoconference at: https://zoom.us/j/781347688.
Meeting ID: 781 347 688
Or dial in to 301-715-8592 and following the audio instructions.
Please make sure your name is associated with your zoom device in order to be admitted from the Waiting Room.

Building Permit Submission Deadline

The deadline to submit a building permit application for approval by the Planning Commission and review by the Historic Preservation Commission is the 2nd Wednesday of the month prior to the PC meeting at which the permit will be reviewed (this will be in the following month). This timing ensures the HPC will be able to complete a formal review before the PC meeting as this review is required for the PC to approve the permit in a timely fashion. If you are considering any renovation or building project at your house, be sure to get a copy of the procedures to apply for a Town Building Permit which will help you through the Town’s process.

Permits Approved in November

  • 201 Brown St. – Fence
  • 119 W.G. Lane – Cement Stairs

Public Ways & Property Permits (PW&PP) Approved in October:

  • JJB Contractor (Comcast) Cable work

2021 Comprehensive Plan

The 2021 DRAFT Comprehensive Plan (CP) for the Town of Washington Grove was submitted for review to the Maryland Department of Planning.

The public hearing originally set for Thursday September 2 was postponed. The Planning Commission is nearing the end of reviewing/incorporating the material from the Maryland Department of Planning and several other State agencies. The Planning Commission will be holding their next work session on December 15. The new Public Hearing date will be determined as soon as possible.

The current 2021 DRAFT Comprehensive Plan is available on our Town website.  Residents are encouraged to review the plan and send written comments to the Planning Commission if you have feedback.

The next CP work sessions will be December 15 at 7:30 pm. REMOTE ACCESS ONLY
As part of the Town’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, these Comprehensive Plan Work Sessions will be conducted online, rather than in person. The agenda will be posted at the Town office.

Work Session Access:
Residents and the public may access using Meeting ID: 781 347 688
By dialing in to: 301-715-8592 and following the audio instructions.
OR by joining the Zoom videoconference at: https://zoom.us/j/781347688
Please make sure your name is associated with your zoom device in order to be admitted from the Waiting Room.

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News from Grove Committees

Border Committee News

No news this month!

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Emergency Preparedness and Safety Committee News

Next Meeting: Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.
Join the Zoom meeting by videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89199207143?pwd=aUVsTUpCbTRMWjdMdnZ1aEhLdGwrZz09
By Phone: 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 821 2399 1201
Passcode: 609269

COVID-19 Updates: Please visit the Montgomery County COVID-19 Information Portal for the latest news and information on COVID-19, including the availability of booster shots.

We are actively seeking new committee members. One committee goal is to promote a shared sense of preparedness, vigilance, and resilience to help strengthen our community. We welcome your input and ideas on how to achieve this and any other goals related to preparedness and safety. Please join us at our next meeting.

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Forestry and Beautification Committee (F&B) News

Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 7:30 p.m. Via ZOOM Videoconference.
The Forestry and Beautification Committee has completed tree planting for Fall of 2021. We are now on break for the winter. Our next meeting will be Wednesday March 9, 2022. We look forward to seeing you then.

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Lake Committee News

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 17, 2021, 7:30 pm

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Lighting Committee News

Next Meeting: Wed. December 8, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.
Generally, we meet the fourth Wednesday of every month but since we will be competing with the holidays, the FB Committee has graciously given us their time slot on the 2nd Wednesday – December 8th.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 8043 0815
Passcode: 175067
One tap mobile – +13017158592,, and follow directions

The feedback on the trial installation of three bollard, low voltage lights along the pathways by McCathran Hall has been positive. There is currently discussion about adding one or two additional bollard fixtures.   We hope that TWG residents will go by one evening and check them out.  We would like to hear feedback about these light fixtures.

Utility costs are among the highest individual costs that any municipality bears, particularly in small municipalities like The Town of Washington Grove (TWG). TWG needs to be proactive so we can both to maintain costs and preserve the historic integrity of our lighting. This might include purchasing our own streetlight fixtures so we can maintain aesthetic and economic control of our lighting and utility needs and be able to choose our own energy provider/source. Our intention is to take our solid (but dated) streetlight fixtures and renovate them to modern standards including dark-sky compliance and intrusion control.

Questions, ideas or concerns? Please contact Virginia Quesada at 301-706-7933 (cell) or [email protected], or Robert N. Johnson at [email protected].

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Racial and Social Equity Committee News

Next meeting: Sunday, December 12, 2021, 2:00 p.m.
All are welcome!  Folks who would like to attend should email [email protected] to get the Zoom link.

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Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: February 2022, 7:30 p.m.
The Recreation Committee is sponsoring a Toys For Tots collection.

Toys for Tots logo

Terri Johnson and Marida Hines are collecting new, unwrapped toys and books for children (toddlers to age 12) for Toys for Tots.  This highly respected annual holiday campaign is sponsored by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.  You can leave toys in the box in their carport (see the directory for their address).  Contact Terri at 301-943-7530 with any questions.  The donation deadline is Saturday, December 11.

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Woods Committee News

Next meeting: Monday, December 6, 2021, 7:30 pm via Zoom Video Conference.
Join the Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82405334979?pwd=WG9YdVR1U2lSWDlXMHpWaFlyNzRXdz09
By Phone: 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 814 8956 1164
Passcode: 533493

The WC completed our trail maintenance workday on November 11th to finish clearing the new path for the re-routed Bradfield Crossing on the Challstrom trail. The new crossing is now open and the old crossing was blocked for safety reasons. Special thanks to Steve Werts, Bruce Rothrock, Virginia Quesada, Joan Mahaffey, and Pat Klein for their efforts.

In the West Woods, a renewed spur trail was cleared from Daylily Lane to the Poplar Trail to provide a safe walking path for Daylily Lane residents to reach the Lake parking area instead of transiting Washington Grove Lane. Thanks to Bruce Rothrock, Tom Land, Jay Everhart, and Joey Fones for assisting the WC in this effort. The WC agreed to name this spur trail the Ironwood Trail because of the presence of Ironwood trees in that area.

Our volunteer Bow Hunter Fire Fighters of Maryland (BHFFMD) continued their bow hunting in our East and West Woods. Two does were harvested in November – one in the East Woods and the other in the West Woods. Another doe was harvested in the West Woods in late October. Members of BHFFMD are EMTs and firefighters who and are vigilant about public safety, and therefore, there is no reason to curtail our use of the Woods. They will bow hunt at sunrise and sunset. The archery season extends through January 31, 2022. Please contact Joan Mahaffey or Pat Klein if you have any questions.

A reminder to please stay on the walking trails to protect understory native plant vegetation and avoid tick exposure to you and your pets. Do not use trails that are too wet and muddy to avoid soil erosion and damage to your boots! Wishing everyone a Happy Solstice in appreciation of the beauty of nature and our Woods Preserves in wintertime, and a joyful holiday season with family and friends.

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News From Other Grove Organizations

Film Society News

Hello, movie lovers. The Film Society Discussion Group is taking the month of December off. We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and lots of time to catch up on all the movies you’ve been wanting to see.  Tune back next month for information on the discussion of Three Colors: Red on January 16.

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Sustainability Group: Climate Action News 

Next meetings: Tuesday, December 7, 2021, 7:30 pm and Tuesday, January 4, 2022 via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3440199688
Meeting ID: 344 019 9688

Resources to Save Energy and Money at Home

In the July 2021 Town Bulletin, the Sustainability Group shared information about energy savings available to homeowners through home energy audits. In this article, Bruce Daggy shares his experiences with recent energy audits run on his home at 207 Maple Ave.

As new Maryland residents and new homeowners in the Grove, we took advantage of several programs to make our home more energy efficient. Ours is a newer (2005) home, built to modern efficiency standards; these programs are likely to identify more improvement opportunities for those with older homes.

Quick Home Energy Checkup: This is a no-cost service through PEPCO. An energy analyst spent about an hour in the home, inspecting the heating and cooling systems (HVAC), windows, doors, etc., looking for ways to improve efficiency. In our case, the main benefit of this program was 14 free LED light bulbs and a smart power strip to reduce phantom power losses when electronic equipment is switched off but not fully powered down. This checkup could also identify opportunities to improve insulation and weather stripping, upgrade appliances, or reduce water use (heating water being a significant energy cost).

Home Performance with Energy Star Program: Also offered through PEPCO, this is a more comprehensive energy audit, costing the homeowner $100. Testing included checking the tightness of the house (with a fan sucking air out through the front door frame), the leakiness of the ductwork, and thermal imaging of the walls. And once again we received 14 LED bulbs and a smart strip; we also received a written report. In our case, little was identified other than the lighting that offered a good financial return. But when it’s time to replace the HVAC system, we now have data we need (e.g., the conditioned volume and the blower door air leakage test) to choose the right unit. Believe it or not, we needed still more LED bulbs, and took advantage of the instant rebates offered at multiple local stores.

The next steps, now that we have a better sense of how much electricity we are likely to use, are to sign up for clean energy, and to find out if rooftop solar is possible on our home. Our former home in California was close to net zero after we made efficiency improvements and installed solar. We have a long way to go to achieve that here!

A few suggestions if you choose to use these programs… Have the consultant install the bulbs before they leave. Some of the bulbs that we received were not the right fit. If you are interested in water saving shower heads or aerators, you may need to ask for them; neither were offered by the energy consultants, despite being on the list. And finally, be aware that companies participate in these programs in the hope that you will hire them for identified upgrades. Therefore, the recommendations you receive should be viewed with that in mind.

For more tips and resources, please visit the Sustainability Group’s web page and Tom Land’s video on Maryland’s Electric Choice Program.

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Washington Grove Cares News

Town residents can reach Washington Grove Cares to make requests for neighborly assistance in three ways:

Note that our telephone number has changed. 301-944-2962 is the new number.  Please correct our telephone number on page 3 of your 2020-2022 Washington Grove Directory.  To request a Washington Grove Cares refrigerator magnet, updated with the new telephone number, call us at 301-944-2962, leaving your name and street address.

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WG United Methodist Church (WGUMC) News

Christmas candlesJoin the Church for a service of joyful celebration on Christmas Eve, December 24 at 7 p.m. on Zoom.  Hear the Christmas story and sing your favorite carols.  This one-hour service will fill your spirit and put you in a Christmas mood.  Please join us; all are welcome!  Join the Zoom meeting at https://zoom.us/j/4353137794.


Put a Smile on a Child's Face This ChristmasMAKE A CHILD HAPPY THIS CHRISTMAS!
Our town’s Methodist church is again filling Christmas stockings for infants to teenagers currently living in transitional housing in Gaithersburg. These families are striving to avoid homelessness, and this will bring some Christmas joy to the children. $16.00 – $20.00 will fill a complete stocking.  Checks can be made out to WGU Methodist Church and placed in the box at the Englishs’ front door at 301 Maple (corner of Maple and Center Streets). If you prefer to give new, unwrapped, TINY stocking stuffers such as Play-Doh, stuffed animals, stickers, socks, gloves, etc., please also leave these items in the box at 301 Maple. We have 36 stockings to fill and the deadline for donations is Thursday, December 16. For more info. contact Mary Lou or Craig English at 240-988-7772 or 301-840-1834. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

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Woman’s Club News

Holiday Baked Goods for Archways Families, Becky’s and Priscilla’s Houses and Local Shelters

This year, we’re hoping to provide some special treats for the Archways families and the residents at Becky’s House and Priscilla’s House. If we collect more than we need for them, the rest will be shared with the men’s and women’s shelters. Cakes, cookies, and other baked goods would brighten up their holidays! For those of you who love to bake, homemade would be delightful, but store bought would be appreciated, too. Your baked goods can be dropped off at Wendy’s house (119 Grove Ave.) on December 13th and 14th. To avoid the interest of our many woodland creatures (squirrels, possums, and foxes), it would be better if you drop them off there rather than leaving them on the Woman’s Club porch.

January’s GOLD Elephant Auction Needs Help to Organize and Donations to Sell!

The Woman’s Club will again be holding a virtual Gold Elephant Auction, but we need a leader to organize it, workers to help with it and donations to make it a success! A date has not been set yet for the auction, but it will be sometime in late January 2022.

What are GOLD Elephants? They are like White Elephants, only there will be fewer and a bit more high-end. They are treasured things that you’re willing to part with, to help raise funds for the Club and its many community service projects, and to have an evening of fun! Let’s face it, GOLD Elephants are a great excuse to have a fun time!

Because of the limitations of doing an online auction, we are seeking fewer, but more curated donations.  We would like auction items in four categories:

  • Antiques,
  • Washington Grove memorabilia,
  • Local artists’ treasures, and
  • Services.

Washington Grove Elementary School Needs Our Help!

Bringing Music to the Students
Music matters, and we are seeking donations to help support the instrumental music program for the fourth and fifth grade students at Washington Grove Elementary. Both L&L Music in Walnut Hill Shopping Center and Lashoff Violins on East Diamond Avenue work closely with Ms. Moraca, the music teacher. You can purchase needed items from them or give a check to the Woman’s Club for us to make the purchases.

  • Instruction books
  • Reeds for the woodwind instruments
  • Rosin and violin bows

The Teachers’ Supply Closet Needs Restocking!
The Teacher’s Supply closet is always in need of restocking, so one of our Club’s Outreach programs is try to keep that closet full. Without community support, the teachers end up buying needed supplies for the less fortunate children out of their own pockets! These are some of the things always needed:

  • Glue sticks
  • Hand sanitizers
  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Pencil sharpeners
  • Tissues

Winter Coats, Hats, Scarves and Gloves
This winter, we will continue to collect hats, coats, gloves, scarves and other winterwear for the needy children of Washington Grove and the surrounding schools, because the needs keep growing. Our local schools work with each other to try to ensure that no students go through the winter without adequate winter clothing. They stay in contact and trade around as needed to secure the right sizes. So, as you sort your closets, please consider donating any outgrown or out loved winterwear that you could donate to these kids.

We’re Helping Out Where SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Formerly Food Stamps) Leaves Off

As always, we’re collecting some of the much-needed items that SNAP doesn’t pay for. We are collecting these items for the apartment residents of the MoCo Coalition for the Homeless’s Archways Program and those who depend on the help of the Interfaith Food Hub.

Especially needed are:

  • Deodorant
  • Diapers – sizes 3 and up
  • Diaper wipes
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Laundry detergent
  • Paper towels
  • Pedialyte – any flavor
  • Similac – especially the blue boxes of powder
  • Toilet paper

Please Think about the Men of Our Local Shelters Who Always Need Socks

As the fall weather turns colder and the brutal winter approaches, please think about how hard it is on the homeless if they have no socks! We are doing a big push over the next months to collect new white socks. These are always the most requested items at homeless shelters. Our goal is to make sure that all of the men in our local shelter have at least 2 pair of socks, and it would be wonderful if we could give them more. Also, since there is turnover there, new men coming in will be in need of socks, too. There’s no such thing as too many socks to go around!

Where to Drop Off Your Donations

Monetary donation checks should be made-out to the Woman’s Club with a notation in the Memo field if you want them to go towards a specific project, such as:

  • Archways or Shelter Projects
  • Music program
  • School Supplies
  • Snap Plus
  • White Socks

All donations can be dropped off either on the Clubhouse porch or in the painted can on Wendy Weisbard’s porch at 119 Grove Road.

You can now follow The Woman’s Club of Washington Grove on Facebook, at Instagram at @wgwomansclub, and our special events on the Town’s website.

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Other Notices

Recyclable Yard Waste Collection Ends

Please note that THURSDAY December 30, 2021 will be the last date for collection of recyclable yard waste by Potomac Disposal this year. This service will resume in early March.

Leaf Collection by GREEN EARTH Ends

Bulk leaf collection by our contractor GREEN EARTH will end for the Winter on January 4, 2022. There will be a final collection in the Spring. Stay tuned…

Deer Fences Down

Residents are reminded that deer fencing must be down by November 30th per Article VII, Section 3.328(g) of the Town’s Code of Ordinances. Thanks!

Christmas Tree Disposal

Beginning in late December, Christmas trees will be picked up roadside by Town Maintenance staff. When you place your tree out for collection, please remove all tinsel, ornaments, the stand and any other metal.

Town Office Holiday Hours

The Town Office will be closed from December 25th – January 2nd, 2022

Terry Cox Retires

Faster than a speeding bullet,
More powerful than a locomotive.
Able to leap tall leaf piles in a single bound.

Look, up Chestnut Avenue!
It’s a deer, it’s a fox, it’s Terry Cox!

Yes, it’s Terry Cox, strange visitor from an electrician’s union, who came to the Grove with powers and abilities beyond those of mortal men.

Terry Cox, who can change the course of drainage ditches, mow grass at the speed of light and who, disguised as a maintenance worker for a small municipality has decided to retire as of Wednesday, November 24, 2021.  Please give Terry a big thank you for his 10 years of service and his never-ending battle for leaf-less ballfields, clear intersections and the Washington Grove way!!

Save December 11th for This Year’s Virtual Holiday Show

Come dream with us on December 11th at 7:30 pm for a livestream of A Midwinter Night’s Dream, a virtually real holiday show!  Close to 60 Grove residents and honorary Grovers were involved in making the show, carrying on our tradition of merriment and mischief.

Before the show, print out the program (and take time to admire the artwork and design, thanks to Leigh Partington and Keith Gillis). You can also print out the lyrics to the sing-alongs.

To view the livestream, go to www.mmctv.org and click on Watch LIVE in the upper right-hand corner. Viewers can also watch this on TV on Channel 16 on Comcast, Verizon, and RCN.

On Saturday, December 11, get yourself set up with your TV or computer and your snack and drink of choice in advance of the 7:30 start time — we don’t want you to miss a minute of the show!

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December Coming Events Calendar

(All meetings via ZOOM Conference unless otherwise indicated)

December 1 Planning Commission 7:30 pm
December 2 Swing Time Big Band 7:00 pm Town Hall
December 4 Special Town Meeting 10:00 am
December 6 Woods Committee 7:30 pm
December 7 Sustainability Group 7:30 pm
December 9 Border Committee 7:30 pm
December 10 Town Hall Rental All Day Town Hall
December 11 Town Hall Rental All Day Town Hall
December 12 Violin Recital 12:00 pm Town Hall
December 12 Racial Equity Committee 2:00 pm
December 13 Town Council 7:30 pm
December 16 Swing Time Big Band 7:00 pm
December 21 Historic Preservation Commission 7:30 pm Town Hall
December 22 Lighting Committee 7:30 pm
December 23 Emergency Preparedness 7:30 pm
December 28 Town Hall Rental NOON Town Hall

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