301-926-2256 [email protected]

Town Council News…

Next meeting: Monday, July 13, 2020; 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting

Join Zoom Meeting:
Or Dial-in to 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 297 850 640
Password: 074385

Actions at the June meeting include:

  1. Election of Darrell Anderson as Mayor Pro-Tempore.
  2. Approval of Mayor’s appointments of Charlie Challstrom as Planning Commission Liaison, Robert Johnson as Planning Commission Alternate, Sat Amagai as member on the Board of Zoning Appeals, Christine Dibble as member on the Board of Zoning Appeals, and Kathie Evans as Alternate on the Board of Zoning Appeals.
  3. Adoption of Resolution 2020-07; pdf Budget Transfers
  4. Adoption of Resolution No. 2020-09; pdf Maple Lake Policy for Assessment and Management of Water Quality
  5. Approval of Annual Planning Commission Report to the State.
  6. Introduction of Resolution No. 2020-08; pdf Authorizing Deer Management Bow Hunting Sessions.


The Washington Grove Town Council will hold a VIRTUAL public hearing on July 13, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. to hear public testimony on proposed Ordinance 2020-01; Amending Article XIII “Application of County Legislation: to include Chapter 33B “Pesticides” pdf. Copies of the proposed ordinance are available for inspection on the Town website; www.washingtongrovemd.org. upon request to the Town Clerk (phone 301-926-2256 or email to [email protected]), or mailing to P.O. Box 216, Washington Grove, MD 20880.


The Public is invited to comment on Resolution No. 2020-08; Authorizing Deer Management Bow Hunting Sessions pdf that was introduced at the June Town Council meeting. Written comment should be emailed in advance to the Town Clerk ([email protected]). Live public comment will be accepted at the July online Town Council meeting on July 13, 2020, at 7:15 p.m.

Last year, for the first time, the Town Council authorized deer management bow-hunting, and committed to reporting on the results and seeking comment prior to authorizing additional bow-hunts. Results during the course of the hunting session were disclosed to the Town throughout the fall (a total of 14 deer were harvested). The Woods Committee has evaluated the session in the context of our deer management goals and determined that another bow-hunting session should take place this fall.

Copies of the introduced resolution are available on the Town website; www.washingtongrovemd.org or upon request to the Town Clerk, phone 301-926-2256 or email [email protected]

Town Treasurer Position

The Town of Washington Grove seeks a qualified individual to fill the position of Town Treasurer beginning Spring-Summer 2021. The Treasurer has broad responsibilities, functioning as financial officer, bookkeeper, purchasing agent and in other capacities to insure smooth operation of Town government. The Treasurer provides essential continuity and guidance to help elected officials and other volunteers be effective in serving the Town. The position requires independence, organizational skills, and the capacity to effectively communicate and work with diverse individuals. This part-time position (approx. 10 hours per week) does not include benefits. Work hours are flexible.

Applicants must be able to provide their own workspace and computer/printer. Strong computer skills are essential. Please send expressions of interest in writing to Mayor John Compton at PO Box 1187 or [email protected].

Seeking a Volunteer for the Board of Supervisors of Elections

Grove elections are conducted by this three-member Board, appointed by the Mayor bi-annually to 2-year terms. If you have been looking for a way to actively contribute to the smooth running of your Town, or would like to participate in Grove elections, this is your opportunity! Please consider volunteering for the Board of Supervisors of Elections. You may contact Chair Nick Suzich ([email protected]) or the Town Office for more information on commitment and duties.

Planning Commission News…

Next meeting: Wed, July 1, 2020; 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting via ZOOM. As part of the Town’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, this Planning Commission Meeting will be conducted online, rather than in person.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Residents and the public may access using Meeting ID: 781 347 688
By dialing in to: 301-715-8592 and following the audio instructions.
OR by joining the Zoom videoconference at: https://zoom.us/j/781347688

Building Permit Submission Deadline
The deadline to submit a building permit application for approval by the Planning Commission and review by the Historic Preservation Commission is the 2nd Wednesday of the month prior to the PC meeting at which the permit will be reviewed (this will be in the following month). This timing ensures the HPC will be able to complete a formal review before the PC meeting as this review is required for the PC to approve the permit in a timely fashion. If you are considering any renovation or building project at your house, be sure to get a copy of the procedures to apply for a Town Building Permit which will help you through the Town’s process.

Permits Up for Approval in July:

  • 107 Pine Avenue Patio Roof
  • 103 Grove Avenue Greenhouse

2020 Master Plan Work Session

Please note the 2020 Master Plan draft versions are available on the Master Plan page of the Town website .

Work Session Notice: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
Specifics will be available when the agenda is posted prior to the meeting. REMOTE ACCESS ONLY. As part of the Town’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, this Master Plan Work Session will be conducted online, rather than in person.

Work Session Agenda
1. Approval of Agenda; 2. Approval of Previous Work Session Minutes; 3. Review 2020 0617 Master Plan Working Draft; 4. Adjourn

Work Session Access
Residents and the public may access using Meeting ID: 781 347 688
By dialing in to: 301-715-8592 and following the audio instructions.
OR by joining the Zoom videoconference at: https://zoom.us/j/781347688

Historic Preservation Commission News…

Next meeting: Tuesday, July 21, 2020; 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting via ZOOM.

For a copy of the Agenda, email Chairman Bob Booher ([email protected]).

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 5919 8359
Password: 008571

Dial by your location:
Meeting ID: 918 5919 8359
Password: 008571
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/ketwJ8UFB

Forestry & Beautification News…

Next Meeting: Wed, September 9, 2020; 7:30 p.m.
The Forestry and Beautification Committee is taking a break for the summer.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday September 9 at 7:30 pm via Zoom. We will be making plans for the fall tree planting. All are welcome!

Lake Committee News…

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting via ZOOM.

For a copy of the Agenda, email Chairman John Hutchinson ([email protected])

Join Zoom Meeting:
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89939942256?pwd=OVI3VjUxS2dXcVZsWHNFQWtMRE9yQT09
By Phone: 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 899 3994 2256
Password: 763012

Maple Lake is Open

Maple Lake is open for the season from 12 noon until 6 PM with Lifeguards under the following conditions:

  • A maximum of 30 visitors will be allowed to enter the Lake Area. You may text or call John Hutchinson (240-99-5820) or Annika Land (240-246-5969) who can call the Lakeguard on duty to let you know how many visitors are currently at the Lake.
  • Visitors should wear facial coverings (masks) when coming and going and will be screened for Coronavirus symptoms before entering. Names and time of entry will be logged for trace-back purposes. If you become sick with COVID within 14 days of visiting the Lake, notify John Hutchinson (240-997–5820.)
  • Physical distancing will be enforced with a separation of 6 feet between families or individuals, both in and out of the water.
  • Picnic Tables and the Dock will remain off-limits to restrict group gatherings.
  • Bring your own chairs & beach toys and take them when you leave.
  • Unfortunately, there will be no Swim Lessons or Party Permits this season.

Any questions, please contact John Hutchinson, Lake Committee Chairman: [email protected], Cell 240-997-5820

Woods Committee News…

Next Meeting: Monday, July 6, 2020; 7:30 p.m.
The July Woods Committee (WC) meeting will be held online on Monday, July 6, 2020 at 7:30 PM as part of the Town’s response to protect ourselves and our community from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our meetings are held on the first Monday of each month and will be REMOTE ACCESS ONLY.

To join the WC meeting, please use:
Meeting ID: 896 8661 7345
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89686617345?pwd=bjhSVGxOanYyQitsaDhwdGhJUlBLZz09
By phone: 301 715 8592 / Password: 202269

The Woods Committee has requested the Town Council to re-authorize a managed deer hunt in the East and West Woods with the volunteer Bow Hunter Firefighters of Maryland (BHFFMD) certified team during the Fall/Winter (2020-21) deer hunting season to continue control of the deer population and to reduce deer damage in our Forest Preserve. The WC would appreciate your comments to let us know if Town residents support a deer hunt again this year.

Please send comments to [email protected] or [email protected]. The Town Council will discuss authorizing at their July meeting.

Our contractor, IPC, has completed Spring/Summer herbicide treatments of non-native invasive (NNI) plants in the East and West woods. They reported fewer wisteria and mile-a-minute regrowth but found multiple new sites of wavy leaf basket grass in the West Woods. This is a reportable NNI plant in the mid-Atlantic region!

The WC received 8 free trees from the Maryland Forest Service and Clear Ridge Nursery Partnership which we planted in the East Woods off the Maple Avenue trail to help rebuild the canopy in that open area.

Our East and West Woods are a Forest Preserve. We hope you continue to enjoy the trails in our Woods for discovering native plants as they continue to emerge, or bird watching, or a cool respite during the summer heat. Web sites such as www.nativeplantcenter.net provide descriptions and photographs of native grasses and ground covers, shrubs, and trees. Focus your search for the Piedmont Region. Stay healthy and happy!

Recreation Committee News…

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 20, 2020; 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend this virtual meeting via ZOOM.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 725 5404 3850
Password: 988494

Washington Grove on the Fourth of July!

2020 Virtual Fourth of July Costume Parade and Awards Ceremony

Attention all Yankee Doodle Dandies!
Covid-19 won’t tread on our patriotic spirit this year: we’ll be holding our annual Fourth of July costume parade this Saturday, July 4, except it will be virtually by video!

Here’s the plan:

  • Morning: Dress up in your finest, funniest, fabulous-est Fourth of July costume!
  • 11am – 12pm: Come outside of your house and stand street side outside your home only to “join the parade!” Show off your costume (appropriately socially distanced from your neighbors). Em Cavey will be driving through Town and film everyone on the street. Hopefully, it won’t be “95 degrees in the shade.”
  • 1pm – 2pm: Volunteer judges will view the video and come up with the costume awards. Perhaps a special Face Mask category is in order, to show you care about public health (and do so in style)!
  • 4pm – 5pm: Town Zoom call – everyone can listen to some music, watch the virtual parade, hear Mayor Compton deliver his annual address and enjoy the awards ceremony.

If you’d like to volunteer to be a judge, please contact Emily Cavey at [email protected] or 240-838-1840

“Let’s let freedom ring!!!”


Wednesday, July 8, 10 a.m., pre-K- 2nd grade (30 minutes)

Thursday, July 9, 10 a.m., grades 3-6 (45 minutes)
Storyteller: Noa Baum

Zoom info. for both activities to follow via Grove Alert.

Film Society News…

In July, the Washington Grove Film Society continues our experiment in sociable but social-distanced film appreciation and discussion via Zoom. The movie for July is The Rider.

Join the fun in 3 easy steps:

1. Before Sunday, July 26, enjoy watching The Rider.

After a tragic riding accident, a young rodeo cowboy searches for a new way to live in his world. The Rider has been described as cinematic poetry. It resurrects the Western, still a story of men and horses and vast landscapes, without nostalgia and with deep compassion. The Rider was included on numerous top 10 lists for 2018 and won the Best Picture award from the National Society of Film Critics. Directed by Chloé Zhao, 2017, US, 104 minutes

See the trailer at https://www.sonyclassics.com/therider/

Watch The Rider free on your DirectTV subscription; for $2.99 on Amazon Prime, Fandango, Vudu, RedBox; or for $3.99 on Google Play, the Microsoft Store, or YouTube.

2. Send an email to Freda at [email protected] before July 25, to receive a link to the Zoom discussion.

3. Log in to Zoom at 7:30 pm on Sunday, July 26, to hear your neighbors’ thoughts about the movie, and share yours in a moderated discussion.

Washington Grove Cares (WGC) News…

Community Outreach Project
Do you have a child with a box of crayons (or a virtual classroom of children with crayons)? Do you have your own box of crayons or paints? Do you have a favorite poem? To bring some cheer to older adult residents (socially isolated because of the pandemic) at The Village at Rockville, a local retirement community, cheerful artwork and short written pieces are being collected. The project is supported by Washington Grove Cares and the Woman’s Club. For example, a child might do a crayon drawing; at the top it would say “Hello to The Village at Rockville!” and at the end “From Clara Belle, age 6, Washington Grove MD.” An adult might send an upbeat poem or a collection of humorous quotes (a la “Kids Say the Darndest Things”), put together a collage of flower pictures, or just write a cheery note and say “I am thinking about you at The Village at Rockville”

Items can be placed in the Village at Rockville box on the porch of the Woman’s Club or upon, request, will be picked up by Judy Mroczka. If you have any questions or have something to be picked up, please call Judy at 301 785-3491 or email her at [email protected]. Deadline is July 15.

If You Don’t Regularly Read the Washington Grove Listserv…
You can receive the occasional but useful announcements of WGC activities and resources without relying on the WG Yahoo listserv.

Contact Betsy Klinger ([email protected]) to add your name to a list created to supplement the listserv when we send out WGC notices.

Coordinating Shopping Trips During the COVID 19 Epidemic
Working together, we can reduce the total number of trips between the Grove and groceries/pharmacies and help neighbors at the same time.

Impromptu Grocery/Pharmacy Trips
If you are going to a particular grocery store/pharmacy and can pick up items for others, consider posting a message to the listserv ([email protected]) hours before or even the night before you head out. Mention which store you plan to visit and list your phone number so neighbors can contact you before emailing requests.

Regularly Scheduled Grocery Trips
Two volunteers have offered to shop for others at regular times each week; contact them directly.

MONDAY: (contact by Sun. 5 pm) Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, MOM’s, or Aldi’s
Call or text Caitlin Bethepu at 414-208-8661

WEDNESDAY evenings: (contact by Wed. noon) and

SATURDAY early mornings: (contact by Fri. 5 pm) Giant Food Store
Call or text Paul Boynton at 301-367-7830, or email [email protected]

Woman’s Club News…

Our Outreach Programs have been busy!
Thanks to the ever-generous support of the Club members and the Town, our Outreach Programs have been busy. Now that charities can again accept donations, we were able to respond to the County’s desperate need for diapers and underwear for infants to teens by delivering many boxes of diapers and packages of underwear to the County to distribute. This is an ongoing need, so please continue to think of the children with your donations.

We were also able to help the residents of a local shelter throw a celebration for their graduating students. We delivered over 100 ice cream bars, sandwiches and cups for their party, and gifts for the 4 graduates.

Bring Your Own Porch

Like so many events in Town, our annual Progressive Porch will be virtual this year.

Our plan is to have it at 7:00 PM on July 11th, and while you sit on your porch, or in your living room, enjoying your snacks and beverages, you will be able to listen to the memories of the late Harold Osborn about the early days of Washington Grove. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Joan Mahaffey ([email protected]) or Marilynn Frey ([email protected]) and we will send you an invitation.

Progress on the new Town Directory
We are hoping to have the 2020-2022 Directory ready by mid-July. As soon as they’re ready, we’ll send out notices on where, when, and how you can get your copies.

After the Quarantine Ends, You Can Rent Our Clubhouse!
Once life returns to normal, this historic clubhouse will be available for rent to Town residents from mid-March to mid-December. It is ideal for parties, showers, wedding receptions, meetings, or other such events. Our rates are reasonable, and members of the Club receive a significant discount. For more information about this lovely facility, please contact Cynthia Werts (301-926-1668) or Joli McCathran (301-869-5358).

Joining the Woman’s is easy
The Woman’s Club dues are a modest $15 per year and can be paid at any event, or by sending a check to The Woman’s Club of Washington Grove, to PO Box 354, Washington Grove, MD 20880.

Your dues make it possible for us to support Town programs such as The Summer In the Parks, the Acorn Library and the Holiday Show. They also let us host our annual Town events like the January White Elephant Sale, the February Chili Supper, Project Linus, the Spring Egg Hunt, the May Flower Show, the June Progressive Porch Party, the September Pot Luck Supper and guest speakers. Plus, all year-round we collect for our Community Outreach programs.

For the Washington Grove Elementary School

This outreach project has been on hold while the school is closed and students are doing online classes, we hope that by fall, we will again need to fill the closet, gather coats and bring music to the students.

The Teachers Closet
We collect school supplies all year round for the Teachers Closet. Our aim is to keep it filled with things like glue sticks, pencils and sharpeners, paper, hand sanitizers and tissues, and other supplies. Without our help, teachers will all too often end up buying these things out of their own pockets.

Winter Coats, Hats, Scarves and Gloves
We try to keep the Teachers Closet filled with winter coats, hats, scarves, and gloves so that no child goes without through the bitter winter months.

Bringing Music to the Students
This Fall, the school asked us to help ensure that all children can participate in the Music Programs. We are hoping to donate resin, reeds, instruction books and other necessities for a successful instrumental music program. Checks should be made out to the Woman’s Club and marked for donation to the WGES Music Program.

Working with Interfaith Works for the Children
As the less fortunate children, like the rest of us, must stay at home, the need for things to brighten their lives is even greater.

Small Gifts
While the less fortunate children of our County need essentials, they also need occasional treats in their lives. We help provide these by collecting Birthday Presents and small Treasure Chest items to be distributed through Interfaith works.

Much Needed New Underwear
There is always a need for new underwear for boys and girls from toddlers to teens. We have developed sources for purchasing the underwear, so the easiest way to help with this need is through money donations.

White Socks and Toiletries for Area Shelter
The small, travel sized toiletries from hotels are always needed by shelter residents, and we collect and distribute them. Also, winter is hard enough for the homeless without them going without socks! We continue to collect new white socks.

Where to Bring Your Donations
Whatever pulls at your heart strings, we have a need you can fulfill. Even though our Clubhouse is currently closed, we have bins on the porch to collect for our Community Outreach Programs, or you can drop off your contributions in the painted can on Wendy Weisbard’s porch at 119 Grove Road. You bring them and we will sort where they go! Checks are always appreciated too, just put in the memo field if you want your donation to go to a specific project and mail to The Woman’s Club, PO Box 354, Washington Grove, MD 20880.

Stormwater Management Committee

Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 14, 2020; 7:30 p.m. via ZOOM conference.
The Stormwater Management Committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month. We welcome all interested residents! Questions, concerns, or ideas please contact:
Robert N. Johnson at [email protected] or 301 346-6267

Join Zoom Meeting
Topic: TWG Stormwater Management
Time: Jul 14, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 940 5421 9234
Password: 647042
Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

Emergency Preparedness Committee News…

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
REMOTE ACCESS ONLY by using Zoom videoconference

Join Zoom Meeting
password: 768563.

COVID-19: Please check the Town website for information relating to COVID-19 at https://washingtongrovemd.org/community/community-resources/covid-19-information/.

Beware of COVID-19 Scams! Scammers have been pretending to be contact tracers. Real contact tracers won’t ask for money, bank account, credit account, social security number, or ask for immigration status. Do not click on a link in a text or email!

Lighting Committee News…

Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. We meet the fourth Wednesday of every month. We will be meeting via a Zoom Conference and all are welcome to attend! The details are below.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 244 199 836
Password: 264038

One tap mobile
+13017158592, 244199836# US (Germantown)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbjgMrpnS
Questions please contact Virginia Quesada at:
301 706-7933 cell. [email protected]

Washington Grove UMC News…

Washington Grove United Methodist Church Sunday services continue to be temporarily suspended.

As we continue to Stay at Home during the COVID-19 crises, the Church has been enjoying Sunday morning Zoom services. If you would like to join us, please contact Pastor Andrew Peck-McClain at [email protected] to be included.

Once we can again go out into the world, please join us on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am at the Washington Grove United Methodist Church, 303 Chestnut Road, Washington Grove, MD 20880 (301-869-3753).

Washington Grove United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation, which means we believe that each person is a precious creation of God and is of sacred worth. We welcome and celebrate persons of every gender identity, racial or ethnic background, sexual orientation, and physical or mental ability into full participation in the life of this faith community. We celebrate the gift of love and affirm all loving relations and marriage

General Information

What do I do if my trash doesn’t get picked up? If our contractor Potomac Disposal misses your trash, please contact the Town Office 301-926-2256, or [email protected]. Please don’t call Potomac Disposal directly as that can cause a duplication of work.

July 2020 – Coming Events Calendar

(All meetings via ZOOM Conference)

July 1 » Planning Commission 7:30 pm ZOOM
July 6 » Woods Committee 7:30 pm ZOOM
July 7 » Master Plan Work Session 7:00 pm ZOOM
July 8 » Building Permit Submission Deadline 7:30 pm ZOOM
July 13 » Public Hearing Res 2020-01 7:00 pm ZOOM
July 13 » Town Council Meeting 7:30 pm ZOOM
July 14 » Stormwater Management 7:30 pm ZOOM
July 16 » Lake Committee 7:30 pm ZOOM
July 21 » Historic Preservation Commission 7:30 pm ZOOM
July 22 » Lighting Committee 7:30 pm ZOOM
July 23 » Emergency Preparedness & Safety 7:30 pm ZOOM
August 3 » Woods Committee 7:30 pm ZOOM

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