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28 June 2010 | Approved: 12 July 2010

Mayor Anderson called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:35 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Joe Clark, Georgette Cole, Marida Hines and Bill Robertson. Also present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Maintenance Supervisor Jim Fletcher and Town residents Julia Cavicchi, Charlie Challstrom, Chris Kirtz, Audrey Maskery, Halle McClelland, Bruce Rothrock and Sita Strother. Sylvie Favret arrived before the Council Reports discussion.

Approval of the Agenda

Joe Clark moved, Georgette Cole seconded that the agenda be approved. Vote: 4-0.

Maintenance Report

Jim Fletcher gave his final maintenance report. Joe Clark presented Jim with the gift of a toy John Deere tractor. Jim thanked everyone.

Council Reports

  • Bill Robertson reported that the FEMA meeting associated with disaster relief funds from this winter’s snow had been changed. There were no other additions to the Council Report discussion.
  • Town Council Reports – June 2010 pdf

Public Appearances

Julia Cavicchi, Halle McClelland and Sita Strother brought forth a proposal for the Ann’s Folly Refreshment Stand (Exhibit A). The proposal covered who, what, where, when and why for their project and the girls took questions from the Mayor and Council. The sense of the Council was as resounding “yes” and they were praised for their initiative and thorough presentation.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Deer Park Bridge Update: Mayor Anderson reported that he and other Town residents were meeting with CSX tomorrow at 1:00 PM. CSX has a new proposal for raising the bridge to accommodate the National Gateway Initiative Project.
  • Gaithersburg West Master Plan Update: Mayor Anderson reported that the new language about a new Deer Park Bridge that took everyone by surprise came from the Department of Transportation. County Councilman Phil Andrews’ office looked in to the issue and concluded that it should not be a problem. Mayor Anderson will write a letter to the County in response to this addition to the master plan.

Streetlight Conversion Update

The Mayor and Council have already given the go-head for this project. Charlie Challstrom presented a handout and updated them about an increase in costs. He explained that he is waiting for final numbers from PEPCO in order to give an accurate accounting of the increase.

Discussions of Interruptions for McCathran Hall Renters

Mayor Anderson briefly explained the events that interrupted Town Hall users during the previous weekend. When the police have come out, they have not considered the noise excessive. Sylvie Favret has had complaints from three (3) people who live near the Hall and think that the noise it too loud. The McCathran Hall policy will be revisited at the second Council Meeting in July.

Maintenance Position Update

Joe Clark reported that Steve Werts would begin the job on July 6, 2010. In preparation for the 4th of July, Audrey will help around McCathran Hall and Maria will mow. Joe will work out the details. There was a lengthy discussion about seasonal help the results of which are; Steve will have 80 hours worth of seasonal help to use however he sees fit.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

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