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8 July 2019 | Approved: 12 August 2019

TC REPORT – July 2019

Mayor Pro Tempore/Town Councilor Darrell Anderson called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Rob Gilmore, Marida Hines, Patty Klein, and Audrey Maskery. Also present were Georgette Cole, Robert Johnson, Joan Mahaffey, Bud O’Connor, and Virginia Quesada.

Approval of Agenda:

Patty Klein moved to approve the agenda. Audrey Maskery seconded the motion. Darrell and the Council removed item #5 (Treasurer’s Report), item #6 (Sale of Land Occupied by a Main Building etc.) and added an item (Purchasing Concrete Benches) to New Business. Vote: 5-0, approved, as amended.

Public Appearances:

Bud O’Connor (409 5th Avenue) stated he wonders about the Town attorney’s motives for taking such a long time to provide requested language for inclusion in the ordinances allowing for the sale of land occupied by a main building initially constructed in part on land owned by the Town. His house will soon be on the market and fears this inaction will cause a problem with a sale. He is extremely disappointed in the ineffectiveness of this body. There was a discussion about the following:

  • Reasons for the Town attorney taking so long to fulfill the request
  • Decisions made during previous administrations
  • Sympathy for those who have had to wait for so many months
  • Setting up a meeting with the Town attorney to gain an understanding about why this is happening

Darrell and the Council thanked Bud for attending the meeting.

Action: The Council will continue to work on the ordinances for 315 Grove Avenue and 409 5th Avenue.

Approval of Minutes:

Pat Klein moved to approve the June 10, 2019 Town Council Meeting minutes. Marida Hines seconded the motion. A number of changes were presented for the Woods Committee’s report. Vote: 4-0, approved as amended. Rob Gilmore abstained because he was not in attendance on June 10th.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurers Report 2019-June pdf
The June and July Treasurer’s reports will be presented in August.

Town Council Decision to Move Forward with Deer Population Management:

Woods Committee Co-Chair Joan Mahaffey presented the Committee’s recommendation to the Mayor and Council to authorize permission for the volunteer Bow Hunting Fire Fighters of Maryland to conduct a managed archery deer hunt in the East and West woods. The following items were discussed:

  • Transparency in the Town Council decision-making process
  • Notification process for volunteer hunter to communicate hunting schedule to Town “Point of Contact” and the information forwarded to Mayor/Town Clerk.
  • Procedure for periodic reporting of number of deer harvested to the Town Council. Formats and timelines for informing Town residents of outcomes of managed deer hunt such as monthly Town Bulletin or posting information on the website
  • Decision to refrain from publicizing hunter’s schedule for various reasons
  • Existence of Town support for this action
  • Preparing the draft Resolution to authorize managed deer archery hunt in East/West Woods.
  • FAQ’S for the Town website

Rob Gilmore asked if Town attorney Suellen Ferguson had been consulted about the potential for Town liability should someone other than a hunter become injured. Joan Mahaffey stated the hunters carry liability insurance. Rob suggested liability issues be confirmed with Suellen. Georgette Cole reminded members our insurance carrier, Local Government Insurance Trust, is likely to have an answer. It was suggested that someone contact Treasurer Mary Challstrom about this as well. She monitors the Town’s insurance needs.

Action: Charlie Challstrom, John Compton, and Rob Gilmore will write the draft resolution and send it to the Woods Committee for review. A final draft will be sent to Town Council members for review.

Notice about the town-authorized hunt will be written for the September Town Bulletin.

Second Phase of Repaving Contract:

Darrell distributed a document showing a comparision of bidders (AB Veirs & MT Laney) for Town road paving. He stated his goal is to get the contracts out by November 1, 2019. The members discussed priority areas for paving. Rob Gilmore moved to go with Option A from the comparison document. Marida Hines seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0, approved. There was a brief discussion about transfering funds.

Town Website Useability Testing – Update:

Marida Hines reported a meeting will take place in two weeks to finalize testing protocol.

Marida also reported the Recreation Committee Co-Chairs are running out of steam and with no new members in the que there is a fear that some of our traditions will lapse. She suggested the Communications Group may help with this. The Council discussed ways to get people involved in not just planning activities but participating in them as well. Attendance at some recent traditional events was low. There was additional discussion about a Newcomer’s Brunch, Council Meet-n-Greet, Activity Fair, and forming a Welcoming Committee. Most agreed that personal contact is the best way to spark people’s interest.

Speed Humps/Bumps – Continued discussion about placement and types:

A new speed table will be purchased for installation at Grove Road and Oak Street. The existing hump will be moved to another location. Rob Gilmore asked when the test period for the smaller bumps on Chestnut Road will be over. He stated his memory of what should happen next is the smaller bumps in question would be removed and speed bumps like the one currently at Grove and Oak will be installed on the main drag (not stop signs) on Chestnut Road. Rob supports the installation of speed tables. Rob Gilmore moved to purchase and install a table top speed hump, similar to the one planned for Grove Road, between Center and Oak. Marida Hines seconded the motion. Pat Klein moved to amend Rob’s motion by adding the removal of the the bumps on Chestnut Road will happen upon the installation of the table tops on the same road. Audrey Maskery seconded the amendment. Vote: 5-0, original motion and amendment.

Gaithersburg Depot Salt Barn – Update:

There was no new information on this topic.

Town Council Reports:

Rob Gilmore moved to approve the Council Reports and post them on the website. Marida Hines seconded the motion. Pat Klein announced she would like to review the water quality reports for Maple Lake. The Clerk offered to send the Council members the most recent water quality reports sent by Water Testing Labs of Maryland. Vote: 5-0.

Pro-Tempore Mayor’s Announcements:

Darrell reminded the Council of the meeting with WSSC on July 30th at 10:00 AM. The topic is sewer lining and other work in various places in Town.

Audrey Maskery wants to purchase some concrete and wood benches ($479.00 each) for places in Town where the old benches are failing. She will bring additional information to the August meeting.

Priorities for the Coming Year:

This discussion will take place in August. Rob Gilmore would like to add the Commercial Corner to his list.

New Business:

See the Mayor’s Announcements


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Kathryn L. Lehman
Town Clerk

TC REPORTS – July 2019


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