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26 February 2007 | Approved: 12 March 2007

Mayor Compton reconvened the February meeting of the Town Council at 7:39 p.m.

Reconvened Meeting

from 12 February 2007

Council Reports

Planning Commission

Darrell Anderson reported that the Planning Commission is continuing their work on the Master Plan. He also reported that the Commission will address its role in interpreting the ordinances in decisions that may likely go to the Board of Zoning Appeals. This will be done by way of a Zoning Text Amendment. Darrell also reported that the Planning Commission discussed adding the requirement to notify neighbors when a building permit is requested, the annexation of the Cator property, and the Commercial Corner. Darrell reported that the gentleman who interviewed for the Code Enforcement Officer position declined the Town’s offer. The Commission approved a permit for a fence extension at 402 Grove Avenue.


Darrell Anderson reported that the February meeting of the Maryland Municipal League took place on the 22nd. This meeting was the annual meeting with the County Executive.

Roads & Walkways

Georgette Cole reported that the Traffic Calming Committee met on the 8th. They hope to have Council recommendations by the March or April Town Council meeting. In the meantime, the Committee would like to see the hold-back lines and crosswalks repainted.


Kathie Evans reported that Bill Saar will continue his work on the website under the new agreement that he will receive $200.00 per month until the end of the fiscal year.


Kathie Evans reported that a meeting with Sarah Steele, Kathie Evans, Kathy Lehman and Brian (from MCSR) occurred last week in order to straighten out the problems with Sarah’s recycling pick-up. She believes that the problems are now solved.
Kathie also reported that snow removal began with the snow that fell on Feb. 7th. She plans get further clarification about the decision making process.


Betsy Klinger reported that the Recreation Committee met on January 24th. The Committee is sponsoring theater classes for children in 3rd – 8th grade. The classes will meet in McCathran Hall on Fridays beginning on Feb. 16th and running through the end of May.
Safety – Betsy Klinger reported that there were only two (2) incidents reported to NW this month; the theft of a license plate and a loose dog.

Historic Preservation Commission

David Stopak reported that the HPC will try a new process for posting house history information on the Town website. The HPC will also work on getting Town pictures on the website as well. David also reported that Chairman Bob Booher will write to M-NCPPC chairman concerning the noise impact of the ICC on the Town. The HPC continues its work on the Town Master Plan.

Building Permit Notification Process

After discussing the new building permit notification idea, it was decided that residents who apply for a building permit will be required to notify their neighbors by way of posting a pink, laminated sign in the front and back yards of their homes. The signs will be given to the residents when they turn in the permit for approval. A draft of the sign will be placed in the March Bulletin.

Commercial Corner

There was a lengthy discussion concerning renovation, allowed uses, and new zoning at the Commercial Corner. More discussion will occur in conjunction with the Town Master Plan work.

Cator Property Annexation Progress Report

Mayor Compton reported that he had not received a return call from the property owners. There was a discussion about zoning requirements, annexation agreement requirements, and the relocation of Railroad Street.

Legacy Open Space Field Condemnation

Mayor Compton reported that motions for summary judgment have been filed by all parties. Negotiations that would put language about land use on the deed of the LOS property have started. A motion to separate the LOS field from the rest of the property has also been filed. Discussion…The Meadow Maintenance Agreement was also discussed.

Mayor’s Announcements

Mayor Compton reported that another Development Review Committee meeting about the Piedmont Crossing Phase I site plan took place recently. M-NCPPC opposes the giant drainage ditch with no trees that runs the length of Ridge Road. They also had problems with the placement of multi-family units and with homes too close to the large black gum tree on the property. Mayor Compton believes that a Planning Board hearing could be at least two (2) months away.

Ordinance No. 2007-01

Darrell Anderson moved to approve Ordinance No. 2007-01. Betsy Klinger seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0.

New Business

Mayor Compton asked for a motion to appoint Margot Bohan to the Historic Preservation Commission. David Stopak moved, Darrell Anderson seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0.

Mayor Compton asked the Clerk to engage the Council in a brief discussion about the new streetlight bulbs. Discussion… Kathie Evans moved to replace all Town incandescent, mercury vapor, and sodium vapor light bulbs with 150 watt compact florescent light bulbs. Darrell Anderson seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0

The meeting was adjourned

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