301-926-2256 [email protected]

15 November 2005 | Approved: 21 February 2005

HPC members present: Bob Booher, Chair, Chris Kirtz, Ed Mroczka, and Mimi Styles. David Stopak attended as Town Council liaison.

The November 15th meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission began at 7:30 p.m. with the approval of the agenda. The Chair asked Chris Kirtz to take minutes and approved the minutes of the October meeting with minor revisions.

Review Session

301 Washington Grove Lane: The Commission reviewed a submission to redo an existing garage and add a studio. Mimi Styles agreed to write the review.

205 Grove Avenue: The Commissioners examined a set of plans from Nancy Haskett for remodelling the garage at 205 Grove Avenue and connecting it to the principal residence dwelling at that address. Mimi Styles agreed to write the review.

125 Grove Avenue: The Commission addressed a proposal from Rene Chandler [the homeowner] and her contractor to enclose an area previously occupied by a glassed greenhouse room which had been removed. The Commission conducted a discussion of possible design approaches and concerns but felt it could not conduct a formal review due to the lack of sufficient documentation. Ed Mroczka agreed to write a letter to the Ms. Chandler and the Planning Commission noting the HPC’s suggestions and concern over whether the applicant could rebuild on the existing footprint of the original [but now removed] sunroom/greenhouse which was too close to the Brown Street side of the property to meet current side yard setbacks.

Old Business

Questionnaires: David Stopak indicated the receipt of nearly 50 responses. Chris Kirtz agreed to assist Mr. Stopak in tabulating these questionnaires..

The next meeting scheduled for December 20th, 2005.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:13 p.m.

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