Sustainability Resource Center
Washington Grove and its residents, in concert with Montgomery County and Maryland, can take steps to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. The Washington Grove Sustainability Committee maintains this resource center to help the Town and its residents fight climate change.
Renewable Energy Conversion Incentives Pilot Program
Grove residents who replace their fossil-fuel-based heating systems and vehicles can receive cash incentives through the Renewable Energy Conversion Incentives Pilot Program. Learn more about the program here.
Climate Actions Grovers Can Take
- Heat Pumps:
- Subscribe to Community Solar Electricity
Also Consider…
In Your Home
In Your Yard
To Reduce Waste and Plastic
Doug Tallamy’s May 2023 Presentation “Homegrown National Park”
Dr. Doug Tallamy is the highly honored T.A. Baker Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. “Homegrown National Park (HNP)” is a national challenge to create diverse ecosystems in our yards, communities, and surrounding lands by reducing lawn, planting native, and removing invasives. The goal of HNP is to create a national movement to restore 20 million acres with natives, an area representing half of what is now in lawn.
In this hour-and-a-half-long talk, which was sponsored by the Town’s Sustainability, Forestry & Beautification, and Woods Committees, Dr. Tallamy explains to Grovers what they can do to support a healthy ecosystem and why that’s important. He describes an approach to conservation that empowers each of us to play a significant role in the future of the natural world.
Bob Booher
Sustainability Committee News
The latest news from the Committee is described in the Sustainability Committee section of the most recent monthly Town Bulletin.
Sustainability Committee Meetings
Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
Zoom link:
Everyone is welcome to join the group and/or attend meetings!
Kids’ Climate Corner
View resources to fuel conversations with young people about using energy.
Sustainability Committee Documents
- Sustainability Plan from the draft of the Town’s 2022 Comprehensive Plan (PDF)
- Climate Action Plan (PDF) (Google Drive)
- Council Resolution 2023-06 approving the establishment of a Renewable Energy Conversion Incentives Pilot Program, together with appendices describing the program and its operation (PDF)
Related Resources: Sustainability in Montgomery County and in Maryland
Yard Tools for a Greener Grove
Want to learn more about your neighbors’ gas-alternative blowers, chainsaws, edgers, hedge trimmers, leaf vacuum-mulchers, mowers, pruners, string trimmers or other yard tools?
Or do you own a gas-alternative yard tool, and you’d be happy to answer questions about it and/or loan it to a neighbor? Join the discussion at Yard Tools for a Greener Grove on Google Docs.