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Shared Use Connector and Path to Metro

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has held two public meetings for the Washington Grove Connector – Crabbs Branch Extension Projects Study. The two projects will simultaneously evaluate the feasibility of two master planned connections from the terminus of Crabbs Branch Way to the Town. These projects would also improve connectivity to the Shady Grove Metro as well as retail and commercial areas south of MD-200/I-370.

The Crabbs Branch Way Extension Project will evaluate the feasibility of creating a road and bike path connection between Crabbs Branch Way and Amity Drive. As of March 2021, this project is only funded for planning, not for design or construction. The Washington Grove Connector Project will evaluate the feasibility of creating a bike path-only connection between Crabbs Branch Way and the Town. As of March 2021, this project is funded for planning, design, and construction.

Major Documents Related to Washington Grove’s Evaluation of the Connector


Questions? Contact Jay Everhart, Chair, Shared Use Pathway Project Liaison (SUPPL) Committee

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