301-926-2256 [email protected]


Ordinances and Resolutions Passed by the Town Council

The table below is sortable by ordinance/resolution number, date, key words and description.  The table is incomplete; documents are added to the table as they become available to the webmaster.  

Note that the search box currently searches words presented in the table, but not words contained only in the PDF files that the table links to.

Below the table is a discussion of ordinances and resolutions, when the Town Council will typically use one versus the other to effect an action, and when the Town Charter or State law require use of an ordinance rather than a resolution.

Ordinances and Resolutions

Number and Link
Ordinance or
Effective Date
Key Word
or Phrase
2025-02 Resolution2025-03-10Hazard mitigationApproving and adopting the 2024 MoCo hazard mitigation plan.
2024-07 Resolution2024-12-09Stormwater managementAward a Design-Build Contract for Maintenance and Improvement of the Existing Stormwater Conveyance System Within the Public Rights-of-Way
2024-04 Resolution2024-07-08Deer managementAuthorization of Deer Management
Bow Hunting Sessions in Conservation Meadow
2024-03 Resolution2024-07-08Deer managementAuthorization of Deer Management
Bow Hunting Sessions in East and West Woods Preserves
2024-02 Resolution2024-07-08CommitteesCreate guidelines for the proper governance of Town committees. NOTE: this Resolution supersedes Resolution 2019-13
2024-01 Ordinance2024-06-20BudgetAdopt FY24-25 budget; levy property tax
2023-08 Ordinance2024-04-25ADUsADUs / ZTA to expand housing opportunities and update vehicle parking requirements
2023-07 Resolution2023-10-09McCathran HallUpdated Regulations For the Rental of MCcathran Hall
2023-06 Resolution2023-08-14EnergyEstablishment of a Renewable Energy Conversion Incentives Pilot Program
2023-03 Resolution2023-06-12BudgetReflecting transfers from Planning and Zoning account to Finance account
2023-02 Ordinance2023-05-22BudgetAdopt FY23-24 budget; levy property tax
2023-01 Resolution2023-05-08RacismAcknowledging Washington Grove's Racially Exclusionary Past and Committing to an Equitable and Inclusive Future
2022-09 Resolution2022-10-10Cherry AvenueClosure of Cherry Avenue to vehicular access
2022-07 Resolution2022-08-29Comprehensive PlanAdoption of the 2022 Comprehensive Plan
2022-04 Resolution2022-06-13BudgetBudget transfers in FY 2022
2022-03 Ordinance2022-05-24BudgetAdopt FY22-23 budget; levy property tax
2022-02 Resolution2022-03-30Comprehensive PlanPlanning Commission approval of Comprehensive Plan
2022-01 Resolution2022-02-14Sustainability CommitteeCreation/recognition of committee
2021-13 Resolution2021-12-13Shared Use PathDesignation of lower Brown St. as the preferred shared-use pathway connection for WG Connector
2021-12 Resolution2021-09-13SustainabilityAuthorization for Washington Grove to seek Sustainable Maryland Municipal Certification
2021-10 (adopted; this version to be replaced by final version) Resolution2021-08-09Deer ManagementAuthorization for Deer Management Bow-Hunting Sessions
2021-09 Resolution2021-06-14BudgetBudget transfers in FY 2021
2021-07 Ordinance2021-05-17Fees, permitSet expiration limits for archeological or fossil permit fees
2021-05 Ordinance2021-05-17BudgetAdopt FY21-22 budget; levy property tax
2021-04 Resolution2021-04-08Permits - driveways, parking areas, and walkwaysModifies Article III, Section 14, Construction in Public Ways and on Town Property, to establish criteria for driveways, parking areas, and walkways that include public ways / property. Supersedes / replaces Resolution 2019-19.
2021-03 Resolution2021-01-11CommendationCommendation of workers at post office for service during Covid-19 pandemic
2021-02 Resolution2021-03-08Permits - artifacts, fossilsEstablishment of process to obtain permits to search for/remove artifacts or fossils
2021-01 Ordinance2021-03-08ZoningAmend Article VII of the Ordinances, Zoning, to add section 2.4 to terminate restrictive covenants
2020-15 Ordinance2021-01-11CovenantsTerminate restrictive covenant on setback for 201 Chestnut Avenue
2020-14 Ordinance2021-01-01Fees, permitSet public ways and property permit application fee
2020-13 Ordinance2021-01-11WoodsAmend Article I of the Ordinances, Public Nuisances, Morals and Conduct, to permit Council to regulate use and enjoyment of the woods and any Town park or land via resolution; prohibit removal of archeological or cultural artifacts or fossils, or injury to or removal of trees, plants or minerals in the woods, parks or other Town land
2020-11 Ordinance2020-11-09ZoningAmend Article VII of the Ordinances, Zoning, to modify minimum setback requirements for accessory buildings in residential zones
2020-05 Ordinance2020-05-18BudgetAdopt FY20-21 budget; levy property tax
2020-01 Ordinance2020-07-13Application of County legislationAmend Article XIII of the Ordinances, Application of County Legislation, to add County Code Chapter 33B "Pesticides” to the list of County legislation that is applicable in the Town
2019-18 Ordinance2020-02-10ZoningAmend Article VII of the Ordinances, Zoning, to modify minimum lot size standards for the RR-3 zone
2019-17 Ordinance2019-11-11Telecom facilitiesAdd Article XVIII to the Ordinances, Small Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
2019-15 Ordinance2019-11-11Permits, work on driveways and parking areasAmend Article III of the Ordinances, Traffic, Vehicles And Transportation, to apply to construction in Public Ways and on Town Property, to residential driveways and parking areas
NOTE: this Resolution was superseded by Resolution 2024-02
Resolution2020-04-13CommitteesCreate guidelines for the proper governance of Town committees. NOTE: this Resolution was superseded by Resolution 2024-02
2019-08 Resolution2019-05-20Hazard MitigationAdopt the 2018 Montgomery County Hazard Mitigation Plan
2019-05 Ordinance2019-05-20BudgetAdopt FY19-20 budget; levy property tax
2019-04 Ordinance2019-04-08Deer managementAmend Article I of the Ordinances, Public Nuisances, Morals and Conduct, to provide for deer management hunt sessions
2019-02 Ordinance2019-03-11Permits, buildingModify requirements for building permits in Article IV of the Ordinances, Building Permit Regulations
2019-01 Ordinance2019-03-11ZoningModify Article IV of the Ordinances, Zoning, to update definitions re: maintenance and repairs
2018-13 Ordinance2018-12-10ElectionsAmend Article X of the Ordinances, Registration and Voting, to revise procedures for absentee balloting, provisional balloting, resolution of tie votes, and to bar political activities
2018-05 Ordinance2018-08-13Permits, buildingAmend Article IV of the Ordinances, Building Permit Regulations, to modify and clarify requirements for building permits
2018-04 Ordinance2018-08-13ZoningAmend Article VII of the Ordinances, Zoning, to modify special rules for fences and carports and modify accessory building setbacks
2018-03 Ordinance2018-05-21BudgetAdopt FY18-19 budget; levy property tax
2016-12 Resolution2017-01-31Charter, ContractsAmend Section 57 of the Charter and amend the bidding process for contracts
2016-04 Ordinance2016-05-23BudgetAdopt FY16-17 budget; levy property tax

Ordinances vs. Resolutions

When the Town Council wants to assert an action, it can do so by either passing an ordinance or adopting a resolution.

When an Ordinance is Used

The Council passes an ordinance when it wants to amend the Code of Ordinances Per Sections 15(b) and (c) of the Town Charter, ordinances require:

  • advance notice,
  • introduction a month ahead,
  • a public hearing,
  • timely notice of enactment, and
  • a process for voters to potentially petition to delay or stop the action.

The Council also passes ordinances if the Town Charter or State law so require.  For example, ordinances must be used if the Council wishes to:

(Town Charter Provisions that Require Ordinances)
  • set any Mayoral salary (Charter § 19);
  • regulate the conduct and policies of any Town musical organizations (Charter § 21(b)(6));
  • set or modify fees (Charter § 21(b)(21));
  • prevent or abate all nuisances in the Town which are so defined at common law, by the Town Charter, or by State law (Charter § 21(b)(40));
  • determine the location of and rates levied for any parking meters (Charter § 21(b)(43));
  • amend or terminate restrictive covenants imposed on real property (Charter § 21(b)(47));
  • adopt regulations relating to police, health, sanitary, fire, buildings, plumbing, traffic, speed, parking, and other similar issues (Charter § 21(b)(49));
  • set procedures for issuing citations for a municipal infractions (Charter § 23(b)(3));
  • determine any matters related to Town elections, including fraud prevention, recounts, special elections and resolving tie votes (Charter § 36);
  • require the Town Treasurer to provide a bond with corporate surety (Charter § 40);
  • create municipal debt or issue tax anticipation notes or other evidences of indebtedness (Charter § 54(a));
  • set regulations regarding the use of competitive bidding and contracts for all or part of the Town’s purchases and contracts (Charter § 57);
  • establish rules and regulations to appoint and promote administrative staff on the basis of merit and fitness (Charter § 60);
  • participate in and pay for health or other employee benefit programs for Town staff (Charter § 63);
  • take any necessary steps to establish and maintain the public ways of the Town (Charter §§ 65 and 66);
  • establish procedures for the acquisition or sale of real property, as authorized by the Town Charter (Charter § 70); or
(Code of Maryland Provisions that Require Ordinances)
  • request and authorize Montgomery County to administer or enforce any municipal legislation (Md. Code, Local Gov’t § 4-111);
  • regulate the location and operation of junkyards (Md. Code, Local Gov’t § 5-103);
  • regulate the licensing, location, and operation of a business that allows activity involving nudity and sexual displays listed under Maryland Code, Alcoholic Beverages Article (Md. Code, Local Gov’t § 5-105);
  • acquire property through eminent domain (Md. Code, Local Gov’t § 5-215); or
  • adopt budgets and levy property tax (Md. Code, Tax-Prop. § 6-308, permitting a taxing authority to adopt by law an increase in the real property tax rate).

When a Resolution is Used

The Council adopts a resolution, rather than passes an ordinance, when it wants to amend the Town Charter. ​ The Local Government Article of the Maryland Code, §§ 4-301 et seq., provides the laws that govern amending a municipal charter via resolution, and the procedures are set forth in the Maryland Municipal League’s Charter Amendment Procedures for Maryland Municipalities (PDF).  Amending the Charter requires public notice.

The Council also may adopt a resolution when it decides to assert an action where the Town Charter or the State does not require passage of an ordinance.  Resolutions are often refinements, standards and/or details that follow up the passage of an ordinance.  Resolutions can be adopted with little or no notice, can be effective immediately, and can be replaced with subsequent resolution(s) to later refine or correct details. There are also a few, limited, State-mandated processes that require action via resolution, e.g. annexations (Md. Code, Local Gov’t § 4-403); these require public notice.

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